Manhattanland Mug
Manhattanland Mug
Manhattanland Mug

Manhattanland Mug

Regular price $19.00 $0.00
Start spreadin' the news, you're off to Manhattanland — home to all the glitz and glamour of Broadway in its heyday. 🌆

Climb aboard The Great Newsie Ride and seize the day with Jack Kelly. 🗞

Sit down for a lavish meal at the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant with Dolly Levi. It only takes a moment. 🍽

Join Alexander Hamilton as you write your way out of thrilling hurricane in The American Misadventure. 🪶

Cool off with a refreshing piragua, have sunday brunch at the Moondance Diner or drink to that as you celebrate Bobbi’s 35th birthday. 🎈

Scale the Empire State Building with King Kong after you meet those dancing feet on 42nd Street. 🦍

Roll the dice with Nathan Detroit and take in a performance at the Cat Scratch Club before you head home to Avenue Q. 🎲

Manhattanland is ONE singular sensation that’s only a day way! ☀️

Made from sturdy ceramic that is safe for use in a dishwasher and microwave, with a sunny yellow handle and interior. The Manhattanland mug is 3.85" tall (9.8 cm) and 3.35" in diameter (8.5cm). Ships safely in a protected box.

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